Sunday, May 17, 2009

J. Zimm is Showing Some Tendencies

Here is Jordan Zimmermann's inning by inning breakdown in his first 6 starts. I only covered the first five innings of each start, as often he is pulled before or during the 6th.

1: 19.50
2. 0.00
3. 0.00
4. 13.50
5. 0.00

I'm not even sure how to interpret this information. I have never seen anything like this before, though it likely happens all the time. Rookie pitchers sometimes have early success because opponents do not have much scouting information on them. Familiarity with a pitcher's stuff and habits does make a difference. However, this pattern doesn't fall into that category. Young players may get amped up before the game and that may affect their performance.

Whatever the case, somebody should be sitting down with the kid and getting his head straight so he doesn't continue to spot the opponent two freebies each game. The problem is clearly not his arm or his stuff.

Who's the ringmaster of this circus... I forget.

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